Monday, March 30, 2009

Untested Assumptions

What are untested assumptions, other that the quickest way to derail any leadership initiative you may undertake.

I should start with a definition: Assumptions is "something taken for granted, something that is believed to be true, but with no evidence.

All too often we choose to leave our assumptions (and assumptions of others) to go untested or unchallenged. We don't seek evidence for them, yet we use them to shape our decisions.

This can obviously lead to disaster. (that statement alone is an untested assumption... could it lead to disaster... I don't know.. but shouldn't you check before you believe that it could?)

If you start to look for the underlying assumptions that either you are using or other are, you will find that they are everywhere. Paying close attention to them can help you uncover enormous opportunities and bring clarity to what you do.

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